Friday, 29 April 2011

New website

Here's a link to my new website which contains the images from this blog and many more from other projects including oil paintings and charcoal landscapes.

Student education cuts protest 5/12/10

 In response to the coalition government cuts, students arrange to protest against cuts to education spending and increased university tuition fees. A rally in College Green becomes chaotic as protesters run up Park Street followed police on horse back.

The students are kettled on the Triangle and wait peacefully, shouting the odd chant. A popular chant is about burning the politicians. Members of the public are rolling their eyes and raising their eye brows disapprovingly at this.

The Protesters are marched back down Park street. Various unions have come out with banners to show their support. One banner reads 'Bristol Health Services'.

Kettled again on College Green, some protesters managed to avoid being held captive. After an hour or 2 the officers start letting people out on the premise that they leave the area. Eventually it all comes to an end.
This image highlights a problem I seem to be having with getting the length of legs correct, in particular horse legs.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

The battle of Stokes Croft

To start things off im going to have to do some back tracking so let me take you back to last year. Its March and the sun is shining in the Stokes Croft area of Bristol. A group of squatters are fortifying themselves in the building of a proposed new Tesco's store; preparing for an eviction. They accuse Tesco of saturating the area with outlets and will not stand to see another one open up.

I arrive at the scene to find scores of people watching as a cherry picker and bailiffs try to pick people off of the roof. But the squatters are putting up a fight. Using ladders and throwing foul smelling liquiuds they manage to fend them off.

There's a circle of police officers and  maybe 10 horses keeping people away. The whole of Cheltenham road from Jamaica street to the arches is blocked off, its a battle ground.

Bit by bit the defences are broken down, one by one the squatters are picked from the roof; coming back down to earth to the sound of cheers from the crowd. Its game over.

to be continued...