Sunday, 12 August 2012

Bristol Balloon Glow

Last night I went to the Bristol balloon glow. If you've never been, you must! Its around 30 hot air balloons firing their burners in sequence at night so they glow like giant lightbulbs.

Tim Nurse Balloon Glow Bristol Drawing

on a technical note the challenge with this drawing was the short time scale, (the show lasts maybe 20 minutes or there abouts) and it was at night for which I had one of those clip on book reading lights.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

An argument over a stolen phone

The other day I saw a drunk having an argument with an officer because someone accused him of stealing their phone, a phone someone else tried to sell me an hour prior to the argument. The issue didn't resolve itself that quickly.

Tim Nurse Homeless Drawing Bristol

Friday, 3 August 2012

Muslims at prayer in Queens square


I was in queens square the other day taking some rest when I saw some of the foreign students from the language school doing their afternoon prayers and I thought 'Oh my god the Islamification of England!' Nah not really, you see no matter much I try to get inside the heads of an E.D.L member it still doesn't make much sense does it!

Tim Nurse Drawing Muslims at prayer

Seriously I really like seeing this I find it reassuring. Being able to humble yourself is a great virtue and whether you believe in a deity or not it should be practiced somehow. Otherwise people walk around thinking their life is more important than someone else's which is an unhealthy mind set that is encouraged in our society... you know, because 'you're worth it!'